Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Friend

This weekend my tata's five year old daughter came to stay with us. She was really shy at first and ran away from me whenever I tried to talk to her (I found out later that she speaks Afrikaans, which is why she wasn't responding to my questions in English or Xhosa!), but eventually she warmed up to me and we became the best of friends! She's very quick and picked up some English as the weekend went on. Her favorite game was turning the tv on and saying "it's on!" and then turning it off and saying "it's off!" We also played beauty parlor for a little while Sunday night. She really enjoyed brushing my hair and putting her own hair clips in my hair.

Even though we didn't share a common language, my little friend and I had a great time playing together this weekend. It just goes to show that you don't need to speak the same language in order to interact and get along with others.

funny face!

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